Safe in all the oceans of the world Qianlizhidi, ulcer in the colony. For a ship that needs to be on the sea for a long period of time, a minor equipment failure can cause a series of fatal problems that threaten the safety of the ship and crew. Dragon plate heat exchanger: corrosion resistant plate, compact design and light weight make our equipment suitable for navigation at sea. Dragon heat exchange equipment on the ship as the lub oil cooler, fresh water cooler, the cooler, cooler, diesel engine jacket water cooler and other major equipment, is widely used in oil tankers, liquefied gas ship, container ship, bulk cargo ship and ship engineering, plays an important role in the navigation process. The operation condition of high corrosion and easy scaling seawater tests the corrosion resistance and high performance of the Dragon heat exchange equipment. Marine cooling water system common open sea water system, closed fresh water cooling system, central cooling system. Apart from the central cooling system of seawater, fresh water pipeline, water pipeline corrosion and cleaning, low management cost, system reliability; high temperature, low temperature fresh water cooling respectively two different ship equipment, the system has strong adaptability, improve working performance of equipment. The central cooling system is divided into high temperature hot water and low temperature warm water closed system. The former is used to cool the host, which is used to cool the hot fresh water and various coolers. Heated fresh water is cooled by an open sea water system in a central cooler. Therefore, the use of a sea water as a cooling water cooler, simplifying the layout of seawater piping. Most of the oil cooler water cooling type, according to the different structure of the type, plate and spiral tube type three. Dragon plate heat exchanger system plate heat exchanger can be used in the following aspects of the ship: Lubricating oil cooling. Main and auxiliary engine and / or worm gear Transmission, compressor and other lubricating oil cooling. Heavy oil and lubricating oil preheating Seawater preheating for fresh water production Heat recovery Heat exchange of air conditioning for passenger and cargo area. Diesel fuel preheating. |