Maintenance of gasket for plate heat exchanger
It is a kind of equipment with high security. When the gasket is damaged, the external leakage is obvious. Heat exchanger will start a little bit of leakage. In the process of pressure impact of the larger equipment, it may be due to the damage of the gasket and a large leak. Its service life has an important influence on the service life of plate heat exchanger. If the seal hardening, lost the original flexibility, can cause the heat exchanger can not work properly.
Plate heat exchanger should be cleaned with chemical cleaning agent. Similarly, also must use chemical cleaning agent to remove adhesive in the sealing gasket softener and anti adhesion coating. The adhesive coated on each bonding joint surface of central optic gasket width, the adhesive width is about the width of a match, then the adhesive in the adhesive coated on the surface of the average brush, so as to make use of the combination of surface. According to the different types of adhesives, waiting for ventilated dry for some time, and then put into the sealing pad, each heat exchanger stacked together with tighten screw tension, or by a heavy pressure on the stacked heat exchanger group. According to the different types of adhesives, hardening time is about 8-20 hours, for the coordination of the screw must be tightened and furnace heating hardening.
The softening of the elastic gasket is related to the pressure and temperature. When the gasket loses its elasticity, the heat exchanger will leak. In some products, in order to solve the leakage phenomenon caused by the aging of the gasket to allow the heat exchanger to regulate the sealing function, that is, once again tighten the combination plate heat exchanger bolt. Adjust the pressing force of the elastic gasket between the heat exchangers, and solve the problem of leakage. On the nameplate of the heat exchanger with this function, the maximum and minimum stresses are given. For the new heat exchanger, the minimum acceptable stress should be used to connect and fix. Depending on the number of heat exchangers in each group, the tightening force of the heat exchanger can be adjusted one or more times. Each time, the nut can be screwed into the 3mm, and in the tightening process always pay attention to adjust the stress of the sheet. Moreover, only to no work pressure on the heat exchanger, at room temperature under the premise of tightening force adjustment to prevent leakage.