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CAD design and computer selection of plate heat exchanger

Release:ltcooler browse:755second

Recommended optimization design of heat exchanger.

Computer can be used to optimize the calculation, optimization is actually the development of the program calculation and systematic, regular, optimal design can achieve the best economic and social benefits. The purpose of the optimization design of the bellows heat exchanger is to make the structural parameters of the corrugated tube heat exchanger reach the best value, and the optimal combination of the structural parameters is achieved.

CAD technology of heat exchanger bellows

The CAD of heat exchanger is computer aided design. Heat exchanger CAD is the use of computer to complete a set of heat exchanger design documents and drawing heat exchanger construction plans. Its steps are as follows:

1, the technical conditions of the user data and a variety of constraints.

2, the performance of the iterative process, in order to achieve satisfactory results, and the final results into a data table.

3, draw heat exchanger drawings.

4, the heat transfer and fluid mechanics performance calculation, the total heat transfer coefficient and the minimum heat transfer area, print out the intermediate results.

Taizhou Longteng heat exchange equipment Co., Ltd. Copyright

ADD:Advanced industrial park, Jiangyan District, Taizhou, Jiangsu


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