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The formation and measures of scale change

Release:ltcooler browse:750second

As the refrigerant fluid (frozen water) receives the mission fluid (cooling water) heat, cooling water in the heat exchange process. Make the temperature rise, this time had dissolved in water CaHCO32 and MgHCO32 temperature of the infectious CO2 generation moved precipitation water soluble CaCO3 and MgCO3 because CaCO3 and MgCO3 melt degree decreases with increasing temperature, precipitation from the water of crystallization, when these crystals continuously deposited on the surface of the heat exchanger, is formed the scale is hard.

The increase of energy consumption, the important risk is to reduce the heat exchanger efficiency. In addition, when the scale of the mission in the fluid (cooling water) side, will cause the flow of cooling water flow and pressure, resulting in serious shutdown.

The efficiency of heat exchange decreased by 21%. When the scale thickness reached 1.6mm, the heat loss was as high as more than 75%, and the thickness of the scale was 0.3mm. Have a great influence on heat conduction performance of this one scale on the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger in order to make the mission performance regularly perform complete cleaning, deformity, remove scale is three yuan of ethylene propylene rubber pad for an individual, an important component of plate heat exchanger and its function are shown in Table 3 the vulnerable parts of the gasket plate heat exchanger. Acid resistance, alkali resistance, salt resistance, suitable for use in the presence of chloride and organic solvents and other places of serious corrosion, mission temperature at 20150 degrees. It has been proved that the swelling of the rubber pad will occur in the aMDEA solution with defoaming agent. From the current situation analysis, operating life of the rubber pad is about 12a accurate control of the operating life of heat exchanger has a direct impact, is in the heat exchanger operation, improper operation to prevent water hammer and affect the performance of the population should be a suitable filter medium.



If not used for a long time, spare equipment. Tighten the bolts to the specified size to ensure the life of the gasket and heat exchanger plate, and then control the clamping.

When the signal hole is detected, the media should be analyzed. As a loose bolt or because of the long heat exchange and elongation, very careful to fulfill its clamping, because the heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger is higher, its main reason is that the plate corrugation can make fluid turbulence in small flow rate. Non professional staff in clamping, it is possible to produce an inevitable damage. When the device is in operation, it is recommended not to clamp. If the gasket aging should be replaced.

Mechanical cleaning to consult manufacturers. General protection and opening and stopping process, plate heat exchanger chemical cleaning is relatively reliable. Protection against water hammer and sudden pressure change. Plate heat exchanger of the media should be clean and run through the imaginary flow rate, the heat exchanger at the entrance of the appropriate filter, and regular cleaning filter.

Taizhou Longteng heat exchange equipment Co., Ltd. Copyright

ADD:Advanced industrial park, Jiangyan District, Taizhou, Jiangsu


FAX:0523- 88699068

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