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The reason why the heat exchanger is not perfect

Release:ltcooler browse:675second

1, the plate heat exchanger itself

Many users in the purchase of the heat exchanger only provides the heat exchanger area, no heat, medium flow rate, inlet and outlet temperature of the specific data, resulting in the purchase of plate heat exchanger type area despite the right, but the process combination is not reasonable, the plate heat exchanger also reach the expected effect, even on the basis of this area also increased no use.



2, system configuration reasons

Heat exchanger only to heat transfer effect, follow the constant energy guiding law, namely the hot side heat release is equal to the cold side to absorb heat, in many cases, the hot side from the cold side heat heating system without sufficient cooling water away, if water is not enough, the water temperature is not enough, leading to the hot side temperature down, if it is for this reason, the heat exchanger and also useless.

Taizhou Longteng heat exchange equipment Co., Ltd. Copyright

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