Plate heat exchanger with high heat transfer rate
The heat transfer efficiency of heat exchanger is very high, there are many international companies can provide the minimum heat exchanger products uniform temperature log Delta Tm=1 C. The shell type heat exchanger, two kinds of fluid in the shell and tube sides in the activities, on the whole is cross flow activities, namely in the shell is a mixture of activities in the tube into multiple activities, so the general small correction coefficient of uniform heat transfer temperature (about 0.8). Both the direction and the mode of the fluid will affect the logarithmic uniform temperature difference. If the water / water is the medium of heat transfer, the total heat transfer coefficient of plate heat exchanger can be 8360~25080kJ/m2 H? C, which is 3~5 times of the heat transfer coefficient of the shell and tube heat exchanger, but the volume of the device is only about 30% of the shell and tube heat exchanger. Plate heat exchanger is made up of a series of metal sheets with a certain corrugated shape, because of its special structure, it has the following advantages:
The plate heat exchanger has the advantages of high heat transfer efficiency, small heat loss, compact structure, light weight, small occupation area, convenient installation and cleaning, wide application, long service life and the like.
1, flexible assembly, flexible manipulation
The uniform temperature difference is an important means to enhance the heat transfer effect.
2, the total heat transfer coefficient is high, the equipment covers an area of small
Plate heat exchanger is a new type of high efficiency heat exchanger. The invention began in 187 and was originally used in the food industry, and then gradually expanded to other industries, such as paper making, metallurgy, mining, machinery manufacturing, electric power, shipbuilding, heating and petrochemical industries. The plate heat exchanger only need to loosen the clamping screw, in the original space within the scope of 100% contact heat exchange plate surface, easy maintenance. The movement of the fluid in the plate heat exchanger is generally in the form of cocurrent or countercurrent flow, and the correction coefficient of heat transfer is 0.95. However, the minimum temperature difference between the hot and cold logistics is too large to cause the heat exchanger area of the heat exchanger is very large.
Easy operation and maintenance of plate heat exchanger is composed of a plurality of a plate assembly, only need to increase and decrease the number of plates can easily adjust the heat transfer area size, the use of very flexible manipulation, flexibility, and tube shell type that need to set aside a lot of space to pull out test tube.
3, high heat transfer efficiency
The plate exchanger is generally made of grooved or corrugated medium, activity in the flow channel is three-dimensional activities with complex structure, its activities and activities are changing the direction of speed, caused a great disturbance in the low Reynolds number (Re=50~200) can induce turbulence (column and tube type heat exchanger for Reynolds the number reached more than 2000). Because of the large perturbations of the thinning of the film thickness, which can prevent the deposition of impurities in the heat transfer surface adhesion, thereby reducing the fouling resistance, and the thickness of the plate is only 0.6~0.8mm, the heat resistance is small, in the heat exchanger, cold and hot fluid respectively from both sides of the plate through the fluid flow is small, not on the tube shell heat exchanger is that the total heat transfer coefficient of bypass flow, so high.