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Three problems of liquid (gas) liquid heat transfer

Release:ltcooler browse:735second


In order to solve this problem, we can use the following methods:

(1) increase the heat transfer area. But this method often makes the heat exchanger volume is too large, the initial increase in investment, while the heat transfer coefficient for the side, but also a waste of heat exchange area.

(2) increase the cooling medium velocity. Although the flow rate can enhance the heat transfer, but at the same time, resulting in a doubling of resistance drop, rising operating costs, and prone to water erosion or vibration phenomenon.

(3) increase the heat transfer temperature difference. This needs to reduce the temperature of the cooling medium, and even the use of brine cryogenic, operating costs increase, but also the irreversibility of the whole thermal system increases, reducing the availability of thermodynamic systems.

Taizhou Longteng heat exchange equipment Co., Ltd. Copyright

ADD:Advanced industrial park, Jiangyan District, Taizhou, Jiangsu


FAX:0523- 88699068

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